THE GRENADIERS REGIMENT The oldest Grenadier Regiment of the armies in the Commonwealth belongs to the Indian Army. A composite battalion comprising Grenadier companies of Bombay Sepoys won the famous battle of Talegaon in 1778. By 1784, it was given the title of Bombay Grenadiers. The concept of 'Grenadiers' evolved from the practice of selecting the bravest and strongest men for the most dangerous tasks in combat. The Grenadiers have one of the longest unbroken record of existence in the Indian Army. Its Regimental Centre is Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh and its Regimental insignia is a brass grenade bearing the White Horse of Hanover and the insignia is worn on the uniform with a white hackle. Its motto and war cry is ‘Sarvada Shaktishali’ (Ever Powerful).