MAHARSHI SANDIPANI RASHTRIYA VEDA VIDYA PRATISHTHAN The Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratishthan (RVVP) was established on January 10, 1987, by Government of India. The office of the Pratishthan was shifted to Ujjain in May, 1993 and it was renamed as ‘Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratishthan’ (MSRVVP). The emblem of this university has a red six pointed star yantra enclosed in a square with three gold border lines is ensconced in a circular border which carries its name and its motto in Sanskrit ‘यत्र विश्वंभवत्येकनीडम्’ meaning ‘Where the World Becomes a Nest’. Shatkona is a symbol used in Hindu yantra; a ‘six-pointed star’ is made from two interlocking triangles; the upper stands for Shiva, Purusha, the lower for Shakti, Prakriti. Their union gives birth to Sanat Kumara, whose sacred number is six. The Shatkona represents both the male and female form, as a symbol of the divine union of masculine and feminine and as a source of all creation; more specifically it is ...