DEFENCE SECURITY CORPS The Defence Security Corps, with 31,000 personnel, provides security at Ministry of Defence sites of India. The role of Defence Security Corps is to ensure the protection and security of designated Defence Installations against sabotage and pilferage. The Defence Department Constabulary Centre, now known as Defence Security Corps - DSC, was raised on April 25, 1947 at Muthura in Uttar Pradesh. The centre moved to Delhi on May 3, 1947. It was formed in the form of a semi-police force with police title and badges of ranks. In 1948, military titles and badges of ranks were given to the DSC. In August 1958, the Corps was reorganised and redesignated as Defence Security Corps - DSC and brought under the control of Army Headquarters. The DSC and Records moved from Delhi to Chkrata in UP in April 1959 and then to Kannur on November 21,1961. The DSC is a ministry of defence force. The corps' motto is ‘रक्षा तथा सुरक्षा’, which translates to ‘Defence and Securit...