MICRO UNITS DEVELOPMENT AND REFINANCE AGENCY LTD The formation of Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Ltd (MUDRA Bank) took place in April 8, 2015. MUDRA has been initially formed as a wholly owned subsidiary of Small Industries Development bank of India (SIDBI) with 100 percent capital being contributed by it. The logo of the bank has an emblem and a wordmark in red and yellow. The emblem has a rupee (₹) symbol surrounded by a border of twelve ‘M’s or twelve persons in a circle, symbolising the ‘M’ of MUDRA, micro and the people who can benefit from the bank. These are ensconced in a yellow border line. The colours red and yellow represent action, positivism, energy, growth and vibrancy. Its acronym ‘MUDRA’ is written using a Deavanagari lookalike font, with its depicted as Rupee symbol. The acronym is underlined with a tricolour line.