SWAMI RAMA HIMALAYAN UNIVERSITY Swami Rama Himalayan University (SRHU), a private university in Dehradun is named after the Indian yogi Swami Rama and became an university in February 2013. The emblem of the university is in the form of a shield in shades of blue, has the motifs of a traditional lamp supported by a lotus on water and aided by a pair of swans. Its motto in ‘Love Serve Remember’ is placed below the lotus above its motto in Sanskrit ‘योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्’ meaning ‘Yoga is Skill in Actions’ is placed. The top portion of the shield in dark blue background bears its name and a facade of a building with four pillars supported by an open book. Traditional lamp signifies light, illumination, awakening, devotion, purity, guidance, protection, hope and prosperity; the lotus denotes purity, enlightenment, rebirth, transformation, personal growth, resilience, overcoming obstacles and divine beauty; swans are sacred and are symbols of grace and beauty; an open book denot...