THE NEOTIA UNIVERSITY The Neotia University (TNU) is one of the noble initiatives by the AmbujaNeotia Group that is headquartered in Kolkata. The Neotia University was established vide the West Bengal State Government University Act XXIII of 2014. The logo of the university is a monogram created by using the acronym of its name in black colour. It is topped by a brown colour bar on its left side top. The brown colour bar signifies the earthiness, simplicity, stability, humility, warmth, reliability, endurance, timelessness and tradition and the black colour symbolises neutrality, practicality, efficiency, mystery, power,elegance and sophistication. Below the monogram its motto is written in Sanskrit ‘ज्ञानम् आत्म प्रदीपाय’ meaning ‘Knowledge is Lamp for the Inner Self’.