INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT LUCKNOW The Indian Institute of Management Lucknow is fourth in the prestigious IIM family of management schools to be established in India after IIM Calcutta, IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore. The Institute was established in 1984. With its foundation in the city of ‘Tehzeeb’, IIM Lucknow as well inculcates human values and professional ethics in the students to help them make a positive impact not just on the nation but on a global platform. IIML’s emblem is a projection of earth with the depiction in an abstract fashion with latitudes and longitudes in blue, green and gold colours has ‘IIM’ in serif italics with border and ‘Lucknow’ written in light orange colour. Below this on a black border its motto in Sanskrit ‘सुप्रभन्धे राष्ट्र समृद्धि‘ meaning ‘Better Management towards Better Nation’ is written. This logo is simple, direct and tells it what is its intention.