XLRI SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT XLRI School of Management (XLRI), the oldest B-school in India, was founded in 1949 by a few Jesuit Fathers to bring a change in the economy and society at large. In 2004 slight modifications were made on the logo to include the year of founding - 1949 and also the guiding motto of XLRI-Excellence Integrity. The new brand identity developed in 2012 is a modern and stylized representation of the old logo. The horizontal name logo: The refined name logo has a forward looking naming architecture. XLRI is written in a bold and stylized font with a green pointer on the alphabet ‘I’ to connote clear focus and direction. ‘Jamshedpur’ has been omitted from the new naming architecture with a view to allow greater freedom for the brand to grow nationally and globally. The refined category descriptor ‘Xavier School of Management’ seeks to underscore XLRI's standing as a more inclusive management education institution whilst retaining the name of the patron sai...