U.P. RAJARSHI TANDON OPEN UNIVERSITY The U.P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University (UPRTOU), Allahabad, was established on March 24, 1999. It is named after Bharat Ratna Rajarshi Purusottam Das Tandon ji, an illustrious son of Mother India. Its circular logo in yellow and red has motifs of shining sun in red colour and two joyous humans holding hands and books are supported by rivers flowing from left and right. These are ensconced in a yellow border on which the name of the university and its place are written. This is placed on a red colour pedestal on which its motto in Sanskrit ‘सरस्वती नः सुभगा मयस्करतुः’ meaning ‘May Saraswati Bless us with Good Fortune’ is inscribed. The shining sun signifies light, universal prosperity and path for growth; water denotes the rivers of the land and its vitality in life and the two humans holding books signifies the nature of the open university and its courses. The colour red signifies passion, power, strength, courage, determination...