CHAUDHARY RANBIR SINGH UNIVERSITY Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University (CSRU) was established by Act 28 of 2014 on July 24, 2014 of the State Legislature of Haryana. The circular emblem in the tones of yellow and blue holds the motifs of an open with ‘CRSU’ written on, supporting a rising sun and supported by its year of its establishment. An older hand holding a younger hand for support is placed over the book. These are ensconced by twenty human motifs holding hands and forming a chain and its name. These are circumscribed by a border on which the name of and place of the university is inscribed in Devanagari supported by a pair of torches. At the bottom of the circle, on a banner its motto in Sanskrit ‘उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत’ (Mantra 14, Valli 3, Chapter 1, Kathopanishad) meaning ‘Arise, Awake and Stop Not till the Goal is Reached’ is inscribed. The open book symbolises education, knowledge and wisdom; the rising sun means light, universal prosperity and path for g...