
Showing posts with the label The National Artificial Intelligence Portal of India


INDIAAI Artificial intelligence technologies are on course to become the most powerful agents of transformation in human history. For India, the fourth-largest economy in the world and a young nation, it is imperative to be prepared to answer the challenges of AI and to leverage it to solve social problems, in building towards greater economic prosperity. INDIAai (The National AI Portal of India), a joint venture by MEITY, NEGD and NASSCOM, has been set up to prepare the nation for an AI future. It is the single central knowledge hub on artificial intelligence and allied fields for aspiring entrepreneurs, students, professionals, academics and everyone else. The logo of INDIAai has its name written in black and orange overlapped by a network looking like a human with different types of nodes (seven nodes) in six directions symbolising the use and connectivity which artificial intelligence can facilitate. Below this, the names of the sponsoring this initiative are written.