DIRECTORATE OF RICE RESEARCH Directorate of Rice Research (DRR) formerly All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project - AICRIP, was established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research - ICAR in 1965 with its national headquarters at Hyderabad to organize and coordinate multi-location testing of genetic lines and technologies for crop production and protection generated across the country. The Project was elevated to Directorate of Rice Research in 1975 with an added mandate of research in the thrust areas of irrigated rice. The Directorate continues its multi-location All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Programme (AICRIP) with active partnership of funded cooperating centers affiliated to State Agricultural Universities, State Department of Agriculture and other Research Institutes of ICAR. The emblem has glowing sun in the backdrop. On top of is a fully grown stem of rice supported by the acronymn of the organisation on a green slab.