D.Y. PATIL UNIVERSITY The D.Y. Patil University (Institution Deemed to be University) was established under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 vide MHRD notification No: F.9-26/2004-U-3 dated September 1, 2005. The emblem of the university is a nib of a pen in reddish brown colour with an open book at the end of the split of the nib, which is surrounded by a rising sun. The upper portion of the nib is shaped like a shield and has black outline. The nib symbolises freedom, intelligence, creativity, professionalism, determination and diligence; shield denotes protection, courage, heritage, authority and bravery; the book denotes knowledge and wisdom and the rising sun denotes light, universal prosperity and path for growth. The reddish brown colour symbolises being solid, resilience, dependability, security and safety.