NALANDA UNIVERSITY The establishment of ancient Nalanda as an undisputed seat of learning was a historical consequence of its context. Almost simultaneously, the Singapore government presented the ‘Nalanda Proposal’ to the Government of India suggesting the re-establishment of ancient Nalanda to make it as the focal point of Asia once again. Leaders of sixteen member states of the East Asia Summit (EAS) endorsed the proposal to re- establish Nalanda, when they met in the Philippines in January 2007. At the fourth EA Summit held in October 2009, at Hua Hin, Thailand, more members affirmed the merit of establishing Nalanda University. The project took off, when the Nalanda University Act 2010 was passed in both the Houses of the Indian Parliament. In September 2014, the university opened its doors for the first batch of students. The emblem of the university is a seal made with the ‘Endless Knot’ also called infinity knot, eternal knot, mystic knot, lucky knot and glorious kn...