STATE TRADING CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED The State Trading Corporation of India Limited (STC) was set up on May 18, 1956, primarily with a view to undertake trade with East European countries and to supplement the efforts of private trade and industry in developing exports from the country. STC has played an important role in country’s economy by arranging imports of essential items of mass consumption such as wheat, pulses, sugar, etc. into India and developing exports of a large number of items from India. The core strength of STC lies in handling exports and imports of bulk agro commodities. During past four to five years, STC has diversified into exports of steel raw materials, gold jewellery and imports of bullion, hydrocarbons, minerals, metals, fertilizers, petrochemicals, etc. Recently, STC has stopped undertaking any new business activity and is currently continuing as a non-operative company for the time being. Its dark blue emblem has a symbolic lotus supported ...