INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BHAGALPUR Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhagalpur (IIIT Bhagalpur) is one of the IIITs set up by MHRD, Govt of India in Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. It started functioning from the academic year 2017. Bhagalpur is known as the silk city, so the letters IIIT are designed to imitate the weaving pattern done in Bhagalpuri Saree. The geometric structure takes inspiration from the main stupa at the centre of Vikrasmshila Mahavidyalaya situated 38 kilometres from Bhagalpur. Technically the profile and shape of the entire logo resembles the NOT gate of a digital circuit resembling the inclination of the institute towards IT. The Red dot symbolises the rising sun. The colour palette is taken from the IIT Guwahati logo as IITG is the mentor for IIIT Bhagalpur. The logo as a whole signifies the rise of the institute. Its motto in Sanskrit is ‘चारित्रयम् मम जीवनम्’ meaning ‘The Three Characters are My Life’.