INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY CHENNAI The origin of the Institute of Printing Technology goes back to the year 1926. A Printing Technology Section was started in the Madras Trades School which was a Government Institution. A part-time certificate course of four year duration in printing technology was introduced. In 1931, the Trades School became the Government School of Technology and in 1938, the four year certificate course was upgraded to a full fledged Diploma course of five years duration. In the year 1946, the Government School of Technology was renamed as Central Polytechnic and a full-time Diploma course in Printing Technology of three year duration was introduced in addition to the five-year part-time course. In the year 1955, the Printing Section of the Central Polytechnic was separated and an independent Regional School of Printing for the Southern Region was started in 1958. During 1960–61, the full-time Diploma course in Printing Technology was re...