SARDAR VALLABHBHAI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SURAT Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Surat (SVNIT SUrat) was established in 1961 as one of the RECs. The Central Government declared the Sardar Vallabhbhai Regional College of Engineering & Technology (SVREC), Surat to Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Surat (SVNIT Surat), with status of ‘Deemed University’ with effect from December 4, 2002. Its emblem has a circle divided into four quadrants. One quadrant houses an image of industry and chimney, second quadrant houses a transmission tower, the third a flying rocket and the fourth one a dam. This is surrendered by a gear wheel with a border, on which the name of the institute and place are written. It is supported by a laurel on both sides. At the bottom its motto in Sanskrit ‘विज्ञानम सारथिनः श्याथ’ is written on a white border meaning ‘Charioteer of Science’.