INDIAN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE The Imperial Bacteriological Laboratory (IBL) was established at Pune in 1889. The first batch of anti-rinderpest serum was produced in 1899. By 1906, the institute started production of antisera against anthrax, haemorrhagic septicaemia and tetanus, a vaccine against black quarter and a diagnostic against equine glanders. A sub centre was established at Kargaina, in the outskirts of Bareilly city. The Imperial Bacteriological Laboratory was renamed as Imperial Institute of Veterinary Research in 1925, Imperial Veterinary Serum Institute in 1930 and Imperial Veterinary Research Institute in 1936. Upon India’s independence it was renamed as Indian Veterinary Research Institute. The Deemed University status was conferred by UGC in 1983. The dark blue colour crest of the institute has a globe supported by the silhouette horns of three cattle heads, its year of establishment below the globe and its motto in Sanskrit ‘सत्वात् संजायते ज्ञानम्’ (Sr...