GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA VISHWAVIDYALAYA The insignia of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha Vishwavidyalaya (GGSIV) has an yellow circle with black outlines holding the motifs of a computer, a factory, a stem of a plant with five leaves, an open book, a river and a pair of hands shaking with another hand touching them. Its Sanskrit motto ‘ज्योतिर्वृणीत तमसो विजानन्’ (3-39-7, Rigveda) meaning ‘The light of Wisdom Dispels Darkness’ is surmounting the seal. The computer denotes modern education and knowledge; the factory denotes manufacturing and employment; the stem with leaves denote environment and green life; the open book denotes knowledge, learning, education and wisdom; the flowing river symbolises changinging life and emotions; the hands shaking holding symbolises unity, strength and collectivism and the colour yellow denotes happiness, energy, vitality, focus and creativity.