VYDEHI INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES AND RESEARCH CENTRE The Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre (VIMS) is one of the leading pioneers in the country for providing world-class medical education along with the provision of state of the art health care services. The emblem of this Centre has a traditional symbol of the Caduceus to represent medicine. This symbol derives from Hermes or Mercury, the winged messenger and is a staff intertwined by two snakes of Greek mythology in a background of the globe and open book. Their intersection indicates endocrine glands topped by a flower and flanked by wings. Serpents denote the pineal gland and pituitary gland as both look alike. The stalk indicates the spinal column. While two serpents - signify the two shades of human existence that physicians encounter – life and death. This is supported by the helical structure of DNA and by a pair of creepers with flowers on both sides, symbolising growth and life. On the b...