16 INFANTRY DIVISION The 16 Infantry Division, the Sudarshan Chakra Division, of the Indian Army is headquarterd in Rajasthan's Sri Ganganagar. The distinctive insignia of the Division is the Sudarshan Chakra with sixteen points. The Chakra is the weapon of Lord Vishnu, a very sharp and fiery disc. With this He chases away the demons. The Sudarshan Chakra is a weapon or armament of Lord Krishna (and also the insignia of XXI Corps). The word sudarshan chakra is derived from two words, 'su' and 'darshan'. It means the vision (darshan) of which is auspicious (su). The word chakra is derived from 'chruhu', which means movement and 'kruhu', which means to do. Thus, chakra means that which is mobile. Of all divine weapons, this is the only one which is constantly in motion. It is said that the discus has six spokes and its center is composed of vajra (an unbreakable material). A novel description of the discus has been made in the Vaman Puran (82.23...