THE TIMES OF INDIA The masthead of Times of India (ToI) consists of two white elephants facing each other in front of a crest or shield emblazoned with an eight petalled lotus with a pair of leaves on the top third and below that three sailing ships arranged at the corners of inverted triangle. The shield is topped by a five-pointed tiara. At both the ends of this arrangement there is a six petalled lotus each with two leaves. The whole is supported by a banner in a holder in the middle, at the bottom inscribed with ‘Let Truth Prevail’. The white elephants symbolise ‘Iravata’ of ‘Indra’ which emerged out of ocean when it was churned by the Gods and it is the foremost of eight guardian elephants ‘Ashta Dig Gajaas’. These white elephants are the custodian of this universe. ToI is the custodian of news (North, East, West and South). The lotus always looks clean and pure against the background of the dirty pond. Because of this the lotus flower has come to be associated with purity ...