27 MOUNTAIN DIVISION The 27 Mountain Division is a division of the Indian Army - Mountain Lion Division was based originally in Kalimpong, West Bengal, but moved to Jammu and Kashmir to contain the situation in the troubled state and along the border with Pakistan. Formations of the Kalimpong based Army's 27 Mountain Division, which had gone for counter insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir during Operation Parakaram in 2001. The golden skinned hairy lion is an archetypal symbol for the golden rayed sun, the lord of the day, whose appearance kills the god of the night. Durga, the beautiful goddess of dawn, life and victory, riding a lion, defeats the buffalo-demon Mahishasura. In all her exploits the lion is her mount, ferocious in look and action. The lion also symbolised in all ancient civilizations as the solar, igneous and luminous principle of life and knowledge. The formation badge and sleeve patch of this Division has a roaring lion in gold colour on black backgro...