INDIAN LAW INSTITUTE Indian Law Institute (ILI) was founded in 1956 with the objective of promoting and conducting legal research. The Institute is an autonomous body registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The Institute's Library is one of the best libraries in the country with more than seventy five thousand titles. The emblem of the institute is in the shape of a peepal leaf, which signifies spiritually the paradise of God, according to Chandogya Upanishad and Atharva Ved and the gods are said to hold their councils under the tree. The inner red portion has an open book crested by a traditional lamp on a leaf shaped background with a decorative border. Around this red leaf shape, on a white border with red outlines the university’s name is written on top and at the bottom its motto in in Sanskrit ‘तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय’ meaning ‘Lead Me from Darkness to Light’ is written. The open book symbolises knowledge and wisdom; the traditional lamp symbolises light, i...