SREE SANKARACHARYA SANSKRIT UNIVERSITY Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit (SSUS) is one of the pioneering Sanskrit universities in India in teaching, research and innovations. The university was established in 1993 in Kalady, Kerala. The emblem of SSUS has a lotus as a centrepiece supporting a sacred conch with the portrait of Adi Sankaracharya. The conch is crested by a flame. On either side of these there is a Kamadhenu. Its motto in Sanskrit ‘ज्ञानादेव तु कैवल्यम्’ meaning ‘Liberation through Knowledge’ is inscribed on a banner above the lotus. Below these, on a banner the name of the university is written. Lotus denotes purity, knowledge and wisdom; sacred conch denotes all the elements and the sound Om; flame denotes light and purity; Kamadhenu, the sacred cow denotes source of all prosperity.