KADI SARVA VISHWAVIDYALAYA The emblem of Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya (KSW) is a cyan shield with white and black outlines. The shield houses the motifs of lotus supporting an open book with a glowing lamp. At the bottom of the shield on a banner, the name of the university is inscribed. Its acronym ‘KSV’ is inscribed on the lotus. The shield denotes protection, courage, heritage, authority and bravery; the lotus denotes purity, enlightenment, rebirth, transformation, personal growth, resilience, overcoming obstacles and divine beauty; the glowing flame denotes light, illumination, awakening, devotion, purity, guidance, protection, hope and prosperity; the open book symbolises knowledge, learning, education and wisdom and the colour cyan symbolises sky, hope and spring, peace, tranquillity, calmness, relaxation, emotional balance.