DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY Indian Atomic Energy Commission was set up in August 1948 in the then Department of Scientific Research, which was created a few months earlier in June 1948. The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was set up on August 3, 1954 under the direct charge of the Prime Minister through a Presidential Order. Subsequently, in accordance with a Government Resolution dated March 1, 1958, the Atomic Energy Commission - AEC was established in the Department of Atomic Energy. DAE comprises a group of organisations - five research centres, three industrial organisations, five public sector undertakings, three service organisations and DAE-aided institutions. It is assisted by various boards for promoting research in the field of nuclear and mathematical sciences. DAE SRC guides basic research conducted in institutions under the aegis of DAE. The vignetted blue colour circular logo has a partial structure of atom on top and its acronyms in Devanagari and English below...