EMBLEM OF MAHARASHTRA The emblem of the State of Maharashtra is a circular seal depicting a Samai Diva Lamp surrounded by 16 lotus blooms. Between the Samai lamp and lotus blossoms is a motto in Sanskrit 'प्रतिपच्चंद्रलेखेव वर्धिष्णुर्विश्व वंदिता महाराष्ट्रस्य राज्यस्य मुद्रा भद्राय राजते' ( Pratipaccandralēkhēva vardhiṣṇurviśva vanditā mahārāṣṭrasya rājyasya mudrā bhadrāya rājatē ), which translates as ‘The Glory of this Seal of the State Government of Maharashtra will Grow like the First day Moon. It will be worshipped by the world and will shine only for the well being of its people’. The motto is based on one found on the (rajmudra) ‘royal seal’ used by 17th century Maratha king Chhatrapati Shivaji, the only difference being that the name of the monarch is replaced by the name of the State.