VENKATESHWARA OPEN UNIVERSITY Venkateshwara Open University was established through the Arunachal Pradesh State Legislative Act, LAW/LEGN-10/2012 Arunachal Pradesh (Act No.10 of 2012). The university’s emblem is in red colour with details in white, yellow and black. A rising flame and an open book support a mortarboard hat is surrounded by the name of the university and its motto in Sanskrit ‘ज्ञानम् कर्मम् वृतम्’ meaning ‘Knowledge Encompasses Action’. All these are ensconced in a white circular border line and design pattern. The flame from the book represents light, illumination, awakening, devotion, purity, guidance, protection, hope and prosperity acquired through knowledge; the open book denotes knowledge and wisdom and the halo denotes divinity, godliness and immortality. And the mortarboard hat meant for graduates, means the graduation of students in their chosen subjects. The colour red signifies passion, power, strength, courage, determination, energy and celebra...