PEOPLE’S UNIVERSITY The blue emblem of People’s University (PU) has a shield holding the motifs of an open book and mortarboard hat. The shield is supported by a circular swoosh ending with two dots symbolising two humans. These are further supported by a pair of laurels on sides and crested by a banner with its tagline ‘Beyond Limit’ and supported by a banner at the bottom with its motto in Sanskrit. The name of the university is written at the bottom. The laurels represent ceremonies, victory, achievement, hard work and dedication; the shield represents protection, courage, heritage, authority and bravery; the open book represent education, knowledge, learning and wisdom; the oxford or mortarboard hat represents educational achievement, equality, tradition and rights of passage and the colour blue denotes serenity, calmness, trust, spirituality, calmness, wisdom, freedom, openness, intelligence and loyalty.