J.E.C.R.C. UNIVERSITY The red colour insignia of J.E.C.R.C. University (JECRC) is a shield holding the motifs a bulb denoting ideas, innovation and creativity; a sprocket wheel representing engineering, precision and motion; an hourglass denoting the passage and preciousness of time; palm of right hand symbolising safety, caution and security; a trophy cup denoting success, hard work and determination; a helical chain of DNA representing biological sciences; an athlete at the finish line denoting finishing of job at hand and sense of purpose; symbol of infinity representing mathematical sciences and the nature and scope of universe; a pair of leaves denoting nature and being fresh; a flying bird meaning fulfilling aspirations and freedom; a flower denoting purpose and meaning in life; a person doing yoga denoting spiritual enlightenment; an open book denoting education, knowledge, learning and wisdom and a globe meaning universe and universal application of human ideas. The shie...