INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MANDI Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (IIT Mandi) has been established with the vision to be a leader in science and technology education, knowledge creation and innovation. The theme of its emblem is the freedom to learn from the limitless domain of knowledge and the freedom to be unique. The emblem is composed of the suspension bridge of Mandi, an engineering marvel is the focal point of the with the symbolic representation of hills, sun and the Beas. The sun rises on these mountains to spread the hue of true knowledge. The Beas, unaware of its own majesty, flows beneath an engineering marvel - a century old suspension bridge of the historical Mandi town. Three colours are used in the logo, viz., blue, green and orange. Blue signifies limitless sky, thus symbolises the vast expanse of knowledge. Green signifies vegetation, youth and freshness of ideas. Orange signifies energy and the spirit of dedication. The depth in the logo...