BASE REPAIR DEPOTS Technical activities undertaken by Maintenance Command units are effected today in Base Repair Depots - BRDs, Air Defence Ground Environment Systems – ADGES and Maintenance Support Establishment – AMSE, Regional ADGES and Maintenance Establishments – RAMEs and numerous other smaller units. The present structure of Maintenance Command, began in post-independence Kanpur. The genuinely unique crest depicts the mythical bird Phoenix rising out of the flames with a gear wheel encircling its head. The motto inscribed on the insignia is ‘Kaya Kalpa’ which indicates rejuvenation of the body and explains the role of the BRDs where aircraft, aero engines and other technical equipment, having completed certain life, are overhauled and sent out with a new lease of life. 1 BRD, the mother BRD, however, has been allowed to retain its original motto of Sahayata Seva. Phoenix was a legendary bird that lived in Arabia. In the mythology of ancient Egypt, the phoen...