SARLA BIRLA UNIVERSITY Sarala Birla University (SBU) is a self-financed private unitary university. The emblem of the university has a leaf of ‘bilva’ symbolising the Trinetra or three eyes of Lord Shiva, like volition, action and knowledge is placed in an orange circle. The middle leaf has the motifs of a sun and a lotus in a waterbody. In the three grooves of the leaves the motifs of an elephant, shanka or conch and a swan are placed. Theses are circumscribed by a white circle with orange outline, which bears the vision of the university in Sanskrit ‘कौशल गुणवत्ता नेतृत्व’ meaning ‘Skills Quality Leadership'. Another circular white border with orange outline surrounds all these and bears its name in Devanagari and English in blue. One half of the outer edge of the border is treated as a gear wheel. Its motto in Sanskrit ‘योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्’ meaning ‘Yoga is Excellence in Action’ is written below the emblem and supported by a pair of laurels. The lotus denotes purity, enl...