GANGANARAYANA CAKRAVARTI PARIVARA TILAK Sri Ganga Narayana Chakravarti, a renowned brahmana, took initiation from Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura into the fold of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. The king, the smartas and the Sri Rupa Narayana went to challenge and conquer the Narottama Dasa. Ganga Narayana Cakravarti and Ramacandra Kaviraja felt disturbed upon hearing of the imminent attack against their gurudeva. Disguising themselves as a potter and a betel nut vendor, they opened shops in a neighboring village. Both the potter - Ramacandra Kaviraja and the pan walla - Ganga Narayana spoke pure Sanskrit with the students. The smartas, King and his pandit joined the furious debate. The two vendors quickly silenced the opposition. When he learnt about them, the King told the smarta pandits, "If you can't even defeat these two common ordinary disciples of Narottama Dasa Thakura, how will you ever defeat Narottama Dasa himself?" That night in a dream Durga Devi told King Narasimha, ...