
Showing posts with the label LYU


LAKULISH YOGA UNIVERSITY The emblem of Lakulish Yoga University (LYU) in the tones of orange has a yoga practitioner in a meditative posture placed above a glowing light. This is ensconced by a white circular border which carries its name and ‘ॐ’. This circular seal is placed on a eighteen petal lotus. Below the seal, on a yellow banner its motto in Sanskrit ‘ज्ञानं योगत्मकं विद्धि’ meaning ‘Through knowledge of the Divine Nature and Knowledge of the Real Truth can be Obtained’ is inscribed. The colour orange denotes energy, vitality, creativity, inspiration, joy and happiness; the lotus symbolises purity, enlightenment, rebirth, transformation, personal growth, resilience, overcoming obstacles and divine beauty and glowing light denotes wisdom and the triumph of good over evil.