KRANTIGURU SHYAMJI KRISHNA VERMA KACHCHH UNIVERSITY The emblem of Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University (KSKVKU) symbolises the biodiversity of the region in which it is located. It includes desert, the sea, the hills and the flamingos which are migratory birds. The blue sky suggests infiniteness and eternity. The hills stand for strength and determination. The desert symbolises the tough conditions and the challenge to life, consequently the resilience of the people of Kachchh. The sky, the earth and the sea, the three principal elements of nature in the logo, suggest knowledge. The ship symbolises the significance of trade and its contribution to the past as well as the present prosperity of the region. The sailship with its sails, the ancient fort on the Bhujiya Hill, the modern industries, the sea, the sky, the sun, the desert, the migratory birds sum up Kachchh. The motto in Sanskrit ‘तेजस्विनावधीतमस्तु’ (Dialogue between Nachiketa and Yamacharya, 19, Canto 3,...