CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION During World War-II, the Government of India realised that vast increase in expenditure for war efforts provided opportunities to unscrupulous and anti-social persons, both officials and non-officials, for indulging in bribery and corruption at the cost of public and the Government. It was felt that police and other law Enforcement agencies under the State Governments could not cope with the situation. An executive order was, therefore, passed by the Government in 1941, establishing Special Police Establishment - SPE to investigate cases of bribery and corruption. End of 1942, the activities of the SPE were extended to include cases of corruption on Railways. In 1943, through an Ordinance, Government of India, constituted a Special Police Force for the investigation of certain offences committed in connection with the departments of the Central Government committed anywhere in British India. This ordinance was replaced by Delhi Special Police Estab...