G.L.A. UNIVERSITY The gold and olive green insignia of G.L.A. University (GLAU) has a shield with an open book and a reader and its year of inception supported by a pair of laurels. A golden banner placed on the shield is inscribed with its name. The motto of the university in Sanskrit ‘ऋते ज्ञानान्न मुक्तिः’ (Hiranyakeshiyashākhā Shruti) meaning ‘Without Knowledge There is No Liberation’ is placed below the motifs. The shield denotes protection, courage, heritage, authority and bravery; the open book denotes learning, knowledge, education and wisdom; the laurels denote ceremonies, victory, achievement, hard work and dedication; the colour gold symbolises wealth, prosperity, power, prestige and achievement and the colour olive green denotes peace, harmony, balance, stability and being grounded.