UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES BANGALORE In 1913, Sir M Vishveshwaraiah, the then Diwan of Mysore (1912-1919) played the key role in establishing the Mysore Agriculture residential School at Hebbal in 1913 to offer Licentiate in Agriculture for fifteen students annually. In 1946 Agriculture College, Hebbal was established. In 1963, Government of Mysore decided to establish University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore (UASB) along the lines of Land Grant College system of USA. The circular emblem of the university has a triangle with a traditional lamp in the map of the State of Karnataka, which is surrounded by a variety of cereals; varieties of vegetables and fruits and a scene of an agricultural farm. All these are ensconced in a white border on which the name of the university and its motto in Sanskrit ‘कृषितो नास्ती दुर्भिक्षम्’ meaning ‘Agriculture Eradicates Famine’ are inscribed. The traditional lamp represents light, path for growth and way forward.