HIDAYATULLAH NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY The blue colour circular insignia of Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU) has a two pan beam balance scales supporting an open book supported by a pair of laurels, the name of its place and its motto in Sanskrit ‘धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय’ (Shloka 8, Chapter 4, Bhagavad Gita) meaning ‘For the Establishment of Righteousness’. These are ensconced by a blue circular border, on which its name is inscribed. The outer borderline of the circle is decorated with the motifs of flower petals. The two pan beam balance scales are the traditional symbols of justice as wielded by statues of Lady Justice and the supporting hands signify the support for justice, healing and life; the open book denotes knowledge, learning, wisdom and education; the laurels denote ceremonies, victory, achievement, hard work and dedication and the colour blue symbolises serenity, calmness, trust, spirituality, calmness, wisdom, freedom, openness, intelligence and loyalty.