INTEGRATED DEFENCE STAFF Based on the recommendations of the Group of Ministers, the Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) was set up vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter number MoD/IC/ 1027/32/ IDS/5843/2001 dated November 25, 2001. Its vision is to “act as a point organisation for jointmanship in Ministry of Defence which integrates policy, doctrine, warfighting and procurement by employing best management practices”. On December 24, 2019, the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) established the post of Chief of Defence Staff, a four-star general, a tri-service Chief, that shall lead the defence forces as well as play the role of head of the Department of Military Affairs. The body advises and assists the Chief of Defence Staff. The seal of the IDS has the symbols of the tri-services in gold within a oval purple border. The border has its slogans ‘Aligned with the Future’ and ‘Victory Through Jointness’ written in orange.