PETROLEUM AND EXPLOSIVES SAFETY ORGANISATION The Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) has its headquarter at Nagpur. It serves the public and industry for over one hundred years in all matters relating to safety in manufacture, storage, transport and handling of explosives, petroleum, compressed gases and other hazardous substances through comprehensive administration of Explosives Act, 1884, Petroleum Act, 1934, Inflammable Substances Act, 1952 and rules framed there under viz. Explosives Rules, 2008, Gas Cylinders Rules, 2004, Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 1981, Petroleum Rules, 2002, Calcium Carbide Rules, 1987 and Cinematographic Films Rules, 1948. The dark and light blue circular logo has the Ashoka Lion ensign in the middle and its name in name in Devanagari and English at the bottom and its motto ‘Suraksha Sarvopari’ on top. At the bottom in blue border in white ‘Safety First’ Since 1898’ is written.