PALM The palm is a symbol of Jain religion. The lower portion of this palm shows fearlessness and symbolize the feeling of non-violence ‘Ahimsa’ towards all the creatures in this world. The circle in the middle of the hand symbolizes the cycle of reincarnation ‘Samsara’ and the 24 spokes represent the preachings of the 24 Tirthankars – ‘enlightened souls’, which can be used to liberate a soul from the cycle or reincarnation. The mantra of ‘Ahimsa’ at the bottom of emblem means ‘Live and Let Live’ - ‘Parsparograho Jivanam’. All creatures should help one another. The wheel of dharma with 24 spokes represents the religion preached by the 24 Jain Tirthankars which consist of nonviolence - ‘Ahimsä’, compassion, Aparigraha, Anekäntvaad and other virtues and equality of all the souls.