SIKKIM POLICE Sikkim had become a protectorate of British India in 1861 and this had triggered off a spate of activity in the State. The first political officer of Sikkim, Claude White thought that with the increase in population, crime would be more prevalent and felt it necessary to raise a police force. It was on the Novembr 27, 1897 that a force consisting of 1 Head Constable and 5 Constables was posted on the authority of a resolution passed by the King of Sikkim in the council. Sikkim Police was thus born. A post of Police Inspector was created in 1934. It was only in 1949 that the force came to be looked after by officers from India on deputation. Shri Mohinder Singh was the first Commissioner of Police who joined in 1953 and till his tenure in 1960 set up the Traffic Branch, the Check Post Branch, the Intelligence Branch, and the Fire Brigade. After the merger of Sikkim with India, the Police Act of 1861 was extended. Shri P.R. Khurana (1975-79) was the first Inspector G...