
Showing posts with the label Umbrella


TAMILNADU TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The emblem of Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation (TTDC) is a brown motif of traditional decorative temple applique umbrellas of Tamilnadu and supported by its acronym. The logo is attractive, representative and interesting. The brown colour denotes earthiness, simplicity, stability, humility, warmth, reliability, endurance, timelessness and tradition.


PARASOL This Buddhist symbol ‘Parasol’ is depicted by the umbrella, whose important function is to cast a shadow, the shadow of protection. The parasol or umbrella is a symbol of both protection and royalty. The coolness of its shade symbolizes protection from the heat of suffering, desire and other spiritually harmful forces. The dome of the umbrella is held aloft by a vertical handle (just like the mountain upholds the sky), which is identified with the central axis upholding the world. The umbrella is carried above an important dignitary or the image of a deity, to indicate that the person or symbol below the umbrella is in fact the centre of the universe and also its spiritual support. In Tibet, depending on their status, various dignitaries were entitled to different parasols, with religious heads being entitled to a silk one and secular rulers to a parasol with embroidered peacock feathers. Exalted personalities such as the Dalai Lama are entitled to both and in procession