
Showing posts with the label भूद्धिर्ज्ञानेन शुद्रुध्यत


CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU The Central University of Jammu came into existence on August 08, 2011, with the appointment of the first Vice-Chancellor. It was established by the Central Universities Act, 2009 . The rising sun, the banyan tree and the infinite sky are some of the most significant constituents of nature, epitomising its essence and motivating mankind to embrace a productive way of life, to acquire knowledge and attain peace and happiness. The rising Sun in the backdrop of the banyan tree is emblematic of victory over darkness - the triumph of enlightenment over ignorance. The students shall abide in light, acquire knowledge and grow in wisdom. Banyan tree filters impurities to provide pure air, proliferation through its prop roots, the university intends to resonate wisdom and knowledge, leading to organised thought, discriminative faculty and self-discipline through contribution and participation of its alumni. The vast canopy of the infinite sky fille